For all our latest News

Christmas sessions now available
Check out our Christmas offers with Skills workshops and 1 to 1 sessions there is everything you need to fill up those stockings this Christmas:
Tuesday 29th Dec
- Kicking out of hand beginners workshop 10am - 12pm
- Kicking out of hand advanced workshop 1pm - 3pm
Monday 4th Jan
- Preparing for contact 10am - 12pm
1 to 1 Christmas special
buy a 45 min 1 to 1 session and receive a Home Grown Sports Development water bottle

News Novmeber

Playground Leaders programme now "LIVE"
After teaming up with Eden Valley Sports Partnership we have developed a Playground Leaders Programme for pupils in Yr5 and Yr6. The idea of the programme is to:
Identify and develop leadership traits.
Develop the confidence and understanding to lead a session.
Use the STEP principle to organise and progress an activity.
The programme take between 5 and 6 hours to complete and can be ran as 1 hour sessions or completed in 1 sitting. For more information on how your primary school can get involved please contact us by:

Youtube channel is up and running
To support the work we are doing we have set up our youtube channel. We plan on using it to share information, as well as set challenges for our different groups during lockdown 2.0.
If you have any thoughts on things you would like to see from coaching tips, to explanations of techniques / tactics or even views on specific areas of the sport contact us: garry@homegrownsportsdevelopment.com
October HT camp a success
Over 3 days Home Grown Sports supported Kendal RUFC deliver the 1st rugby camp hosted by the club for over 2 years. The 3 day camp approved by Cumbria RUFC as a Covid compliant environment saw 37 budding rugby players from U9s - U14s take part. The coaching took a game based approach where skills and tactics were coaches through varying games, Not all of them were "rugby" based with games such as Aussie Rules and ultimate Frisbee were played. There were also some new games made up which challenged catching and decision making using foam dice, hula hoops and beanbags!!!
Although day 2 was very wet the initial feedback was very good.
Some feedback included:
"It spoke volumes that he arrived home soaked to the skin and was full of excitement and raring to go again the next day!"
Don't forget to keep an eye on our events page to find out what we are planning for the future.